First Day,First Show.Last Word.Full Stop.

Movie Reviews.Mostly Tamil.Occasional Telugu.Rare Hindi.English episodic. Foreign Seldom.Cricket Trivia In The Gaps.



Wednesday, March 02, 2016

RIP -Martin Crowe - Man Who Hooked Me Onto The Game

For a lot of kids the beauty of Sachin was the thing that pulled them into the game,for others it might have just been the joy of supporting India and for others maybe a true love for the game.

My very first introduction to cricket from days that I remember was way back in 1987 when the cricket world cup took place for the first time in India .As a 6 year old ,It was enticing to watch a contest played on black-and-white tv sets with great contest such as the Bush Classic Catches held during the breaks.

I enjoyed watching the classic catches more than the game and one such catch caught my attention .

The person scoring a breathtaking 141 in a close game ,that had potential to be a great upset was Dave Houghton .-A man well on way to becoming first great Zimbabwe cricketer.

However the person taking the catch was a young Martin Crowe,the sheer athleticism of the catch drew me into the game, and I was hooked onto it forever.

Even now when my mind draws into nostalgia ,It is that one catch that frequently plays back in my mind.I guess we all have our moments when we get passionate about something,for me it was that very moment and for that I have Martin Crowe to thank for .

RIP Martin Crowe,you went away too early at 53 .The game is poorer for you.